- The Lanterns Studio Theatre will feature a 400sq/m sprung stage area, featuring one of the latest and World Renowned Harlequin Floors. The stage area will cater for professional dance companies and productions to display works in Lanterns unique and centrally located performing space.
- The Theatre will feature Lanterns own set of Stage lighting.
- The space features modern house lights and flood lights, as well as natural light from its glass surround. These varied lighting environments will give choreographers and artists interesting and diverse environments in which to work.
- An automatic and modular curtain system will be available to create wings, backcloth and front curtain, transforming the space into a professional level performing environment.
- Lanterns Studio theatre will feature an in house Grand Piano, for both musical rehearsal and performance; whether solo or even fully orchestral.
- The Lanterns Studio Theatre will feature full length mirrors on wheels that can be transformed to create various sets and performing environments and ideas. The space will also feature other scenery based moveable objects of all shapes and sizes to cater for rehearsals and performance without the need to transport the actual scenery between Theatre and studio.
- The space of over 900sq/m will feature harlequin surface on both the sprung and flat areas, with moveable barres on wheels available for class; with barre around the outside of the space, and centre work on its stage area.
- The high ceiling of the space will allow for various hanging backdrops and lighting bars to be installed according to the need.
- Initially, the Lanterns studio theatre will cater for 300 audience members and a 10 strong front of house & bar team. Once the venue is up and running, this will increase in accordance with the need. Lanterns is planning a fully collapsible tiered seating area, providing an excellent view of the work on show.
For further information please contact Project Manager Jamiel Laurence 02073630951.