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Lanterns Studio Theatre

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Lanterns Studio Theatre complex, which is a part of the Lanterns Facility, is a new performance venue in the heart of London’s Docklands, South Quay on the Isle of Dogs, aimed at bringing Dance, Music and the Arts to East London. This versatile space can cater for all forms of dance, from classical to contemporary as well as giving space to live music concerts and artistic displays of all varieties. The space offers a centre for workshops, classes and conferences for business and artistic based events and most importantly gives professional performing companies access to the facilities needed to create works of the highest standard. It is also a venue where professional and amateur performers of all ages can work together in a professional atmosphere and at a professional level.

Lanterns now seeks to fulfil three key sponsorship goals within the next year. The installation of a Harlequin International Standard Dance Floor, at a discounted sponsored rate of £50,000. A Digital sound & Lighting installation of a theatrical standard at £25,000 and finally the fitting of a Modular Seating setup estimated at around £10,000. Please read on to discover how we aim to achieve this with the help of sponsorship and investment, and how our current sponsors have also helped The Lanterns Studio Theatre on its road to completion.

Lanterns Studio Theatre features a naturally engaging acoustic, with resonance that brings audiences closer to the classics as well as giving a depth of sound to more modern compositional exploits. Our Yamaha C-111 Grand Piano is sponsored by YAMAHA EUROPE, the biggest name when it comes to the provision of musical instruments and equipment. Yamaha are committed to seeing the Studio Theatre succeed, and are currently in discussion about housing one of its pioneering Yamaha Music schools in the space, providing the local community with lunchtime concerts and evening performances from both professional and studying musicians. Yamahas efforts will also bolster the Lanterns Schools of the Performing Arts already successful music department, giving students of all ages a chance to experience many different and unusual instruments firsthand.

Harlequin Floors are the international standard when it comes to designing and installing sprung dance floors and surfaces in studios and theatres all over the world. Lanterns Studio Theatre has been designed with around 400sq/m of open raised stage space, which Harlequin have chosen to discount to the space owing to its potential at bringing in dance of the highest calibre to London’s Docklands. The floor will attract dance companies across Europe and perhaps even further afield, based on its size and what will be superb quality of surface to perform on. The local community and students of Lanterns School of the Performing Arts will now have access to touring dance companies and professional dance stars, and finally the Isle of Dogs will have a dance experience that will inspire all those who take part. As well as performances, workshops and classes will be offered in the space to students of all ages, as well as open rehearsals that will give a unique insight into the day to day running of a professional performing company, especially local schools and colleges.

Lanterns Studio Theatre is already home to two new dance companies and both performed in the opening events lineup. Docklands Dance Company under the direction of Janet Viola brings Classical Ballet & Contemporary and a professional level of dancer to London’s Docklands and its local community. The Studio Theatre’s facilities offers a home and base for the company, which plans on showcasing a range of dance talents from various established and renowned companies, attracting an audience both local and from further afield to our unique and intimate performing environment.

Dockside Dancers are a commercially based group of young dancers who are also housed by the Lanterns Studio Theatre space, led by dancer and choreographer, Guy Salim. The group performs regularly both privately and publicly, as well as putting on workshops and classes for local students and groups of all ages. The group brings together influences from all the varying styles of dances, from Classical to Krump. Sets and Pieces from “DSD” involve up to 7 dancers of the company, and we look forward to the bright future in store for this talented group and its message.

The opening event for the Lanterns Studio Theatre held on 19th October 2011 successfully demonstrated the versatile nature of the space, with professional acts and young talent on display throughout the night, including well established names such as concert Pianist Deniz Gelenbe, International Violinist Michael Bochmann and his WaterCity Band and Lanterns own two dance companies (DockSide Dancers and Docklands Dance Company.) Community based artists and cultural influences were also out in force on the night, with Akash Sottar bringing audience members to tears with his Teachers Raga, and new canvases designed for the space on display from Local East London Artist Frank Creber. The night has formed a template and set the bar for future nights to come, offering the Docklands its own unique centre for high arts, culture and exposure to talent both locally and internationally acclaimed. The Lanterns Studio Theatre now seeks sponsorship and support towards its remaining facilities that once in place will fulfill the potential of this exciting and fresh space. The Harlequin International Standard Raised & Sprung floor has been offered to the school as a huge reduction on the regular commercial price, and will be the key factor when it comes to attracting the international professional dance scene. A Digital Sound and Lighting setup will fulfill the theatrical aspect of the space and fully transform the 400sqm of open stage into a theatre environment with striking lighting design and advanced amplified sound setups. Finally, a Fitted Modular Seating setup will bring the audience closer to the on stage action as well as providing comfort and a good view, both essential aspects of any viewing of all variety of performances.

If you would be interested in a viewing of the space, or perhaps would like more information, please do not hesitate to get into contact and I can arrange a meeting with Director Ms. Janet Viola at your earliest convenience to discuss your thoughts, ideas and possible sponsorship and support towards the space. Lanterns Studio Theatre complex, which is a part of the Lanterns Facility, is a new performance venue in the heart of London’s Docklands, South Quay on the Isle of Dogs, aimed at bringing Dance, Music and the Arts to East London. This versatile space can cater for all forms of dance, from classical to contemporary as well as giving space to live music concerts and artistic displays of all varieties. The space offers a centre for workshops, classes and conferences for business and artistic based events and most importantly gives professional performing companies access to the facilities needed to create works of the highest standard. It is also a venue where professional and amateur performers of all ages can work together in a professional atmosphere and at a professional level.

Lanterns now seeks to fulfil three key sponsorship goals within the next year. The installation of a Harlequin International Standard Dance Floor, at a discounted sponsored rate of £50,000. A Digital sound & Lighting installation of a theatrical standard at £25,000 and finally the fitting of a Modular Seating setup estimated at around £10,000. Please read on to discover how we aim to achieve this with the help of sponsorship and investment, and how our current sponsors have also helped The Lanterns Studio Theatre on its road to completion.

Lanterns Studio Theatre features a naturally engaging acoustic, with resonance that brings audiences closer to the classics as well as giving a depth of sound to more modern compositional exploits. Our Yamaha C-111 Grand Piano is sponsored by YAMAHA EUROPE, the biggest name when it comes to the provision of musical instruments and equipment. Yamaha are committed to seeing the Studio Theatre succeed, and are currently in discussion about housing one of its pioneering Yamaha Music schools in the space, providing the local community with lunchtime concerts and evening performances from both professional and studying musicians. Yamahas efforts will also bolster the Lanterns Schools of the Performing Arts already successful music department, giving students of all ages a chance to experience many different and unusual instruments firsthand.

Harlequin Floors are the international standard when it comes to designing and installing sprung dance floors and surfaces in studios and theatres all over the world. Lanterns Studio Theatre has been designed with around 400sq/m of open raised stage space, which Harlequin have chosen to discount to the space owing to its potential at bringing in dance of the highest calibre to London’s Docklands. The floor will attract dance companies across Europe and perhaps even further afield, based on its size and what will be superb quality of surface to perform on. The local community and students of Lanterns School of the Performing Arts will now have access to touring dance companies and professional dance stars, and finally the Isle of Dogs will have a dance experience that will inspire all those who take part. As well as performances, workshops and classes will be offered in the space to students of all ages, as well as open rehearsals that will give a unique insight into the day to day running of a professional performing company, especially local schools and colleges.

Lanterns Studio Theatre is already home to two new dance companies and both performed in the opening events lineup. Docklands Dance Company under the direction of Janet Viola brings Classical Ballet & Contemporary and a professional level of dancer to London’s Docklands and its local community. The Studio Theatre’s facilities offers a home and base for the company, which plans on showcasing a range of dance talents from various established and renowned companies, attracting an audience both local and from further afield to our unique and intimate performing environment.

Dockside Dancers are a commercially based group of young dancers who are also housed by the Lanterns Studio Theatre space, led by dancer and choreographer, Guy Salim. The group performs regularly both privately and publicly, as well as putting on workshops and classes for local students and groups of all ages. The group brings together influences from all the varying styles of dances, from Classical to Krump. Sets and Pieces from “DSD” involve up to 7 dancers of the company, and we look forward to the bright future in store for this talented group and its message.

The opening event for the Lanterns Studio Theatre held on 19th October 2011 successfully demonstrated the versatile nature of the space, with professional acts and young talent on display throughout the night, including well established names such as concert Pianist Deniz Gelenbe, International Violinist Michael Bochmann and his WaterCity Band and Lanterns own two dance companies (DockSide Dancers and Docklands Dance Company.) Community based artists and cultural influences were also out in force on the night, with Akash Sottar bringing audience members to tears with his Teachers Raga, and new canvases designed for the space on display from Local East London Artist Frank Creber. The night has formed a template and set the bar for future nights to come, offering the Docklands its own unique centre for high arts, culture and exposure to talent both locally and internationally acclaimed. The Lanterns Studio Theatre now seeks sponsorship and support towards its remaining facilities that once in place will fulfill the potential of this exciting and fresh space. The Harlequin International Standard Raised & Sprung floor has been offered to the school as a huge reduction on the regular commercial price, and will be the key factor when it comes to attracting the international professional dance scene. A Digital Sound and Lighting setup will fulfill the theatrical aspect of the space and fully transform the 400sqm of open stage into a theatre environment with striking lighting design and advanced amplified sound setups. Finally, a Fitted Modular Seating setup will bring the audience closer to the on stage action as well as providing comfort and a good view, both essential aspects of any viewing of all variety of performances.

If you would be interested in a viewing of the space, or perhaps would like more information, please do not hesitate to get into contact and I can arrange a meeting with Director Ms. Janet Viola at your earliest convenience to discuss your thoughts, ideas and possible sponsorship and support towards the space.