Lanterns Arts

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Dance Classes Timetable and Term Dates | Lanterns Arts


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Classes and Private Lessons are offered 6 Days a week (weekdays, children starting from 4pm/Adults from 11am).

Saturdays classes running throughout the day 9am - 6pm.

Price List:

Spring Term ‘18

Monday 8th January – Saturday 10th February '18
(5 weeks)

Half Term - Closed 11th February – 18th February '18

Re-open after Half Term

Monday 19th February – Saturday 24th March ‘18
(5 weeks)

Half Term - Closed 25th March – 8th April ‘18 (Easter Holiday)

Summer Term ‘18

Monday 9th April – Saturday 26th May '18 (6 weeks)
Monday’s closed for Bank Holiday 1st May = 4 weeks

Half Term - Closed 27th May – 3rd June ‘18

Re-open after Half Term
Monday 4th June – Saturday 14th July '18 (6 weeks)